Chapter 4.19 – Long Gone

Melinda had been staring at Faith for so long that Faith began to wonder if she’d caused her friend to malfunction. “Are you okay?” Faith asked gently, even though the answer was written all over Melinda’s weird face. “No. I’m not ‘okay’,” Melinda huffed. “I’ve just learned that my supposed best friend is an accessoryContinue reading “Chapter 4.19 – Long Gone”

Chapter 4.18 – Forty Miles of Horseshit

Melinda had been hanging out with April and Wyatt all day and most of the night, and had taken her leave in the early hours, so that Wyatt could sleep. She’d invited April back, but April had refused, saying that she was going work on a potion using her new cauldron. Melinda might have beenContinue reading “Chapter 4.18 – Forty Miles of Horseshit”

Chapter 4.16 – Safe Haven

After she’d used his friend’s sister as bait to lure a serial killer, Faith thought it probably wasn’t wise to return to dorky Clifford in Britechester. She instead hitched a ride back to the city where she took refuge in an abandoned factory. She really hated being stuck inside, waiting for the sun to goContinue reading “Chapter 4.16 – Safe Haven”

Chapter 4.09 – Heart of Gold

Disclaimer: references this chapter and contains all the same horrible stuff – non-consent, imprisonment and violence – from the other side. “You know who I am?” “Yes, I know who you are, Faith,” Kitty laughed. “What amazes me, is that you know who I am.” “I know who you are, Kitty,” Faith managed through aContinue reading “Chapter 4.09 – Heart of Gold”

Chapter 4.08 – Vice

After casually strolling through the Windenburg countryside in a post-robbery daze, Broof and Lilith had stopped to pick up supplies at a petrol station on the route to Willow Creek. Lilith required very little to survive a week in the wilderness, so she went to freshen up while Broof bought whatever he thought he needed.Continue reading “Chapter 4.08 – Vice”

Chapter 4.06 – Night Camouflage

Broof had driven himself and Lilith to within half a mile of the Wangshaft manor, and left his car parked on a completely normal-looking residential street. They could have driven right up to the gates, or at least around the corner for a quick getaway, but Broof thought it best that the pair approach theContinue reading “Chapter 4.06 – Night Camouflage”

Chapter 4.04 – Puffy

Note: A little gruesome. When Faith had imagined Britechester, with its stuffy old buildings, fancy architecture and halls full of nerds, she hadn’t imagined that she’d ever go there, not with her terrible grades. Unless she got employed as a cleaner or as a stripper for a frat party, or something. And Blondie was neverContinue reading “Chapter 4.04 – Puffy”

Chapter 4.02 – Like Flies

In the Henford countryside, all was still, all was silent for miles around Moon’s tiny cottage. But inside was another story. “I definitely look OK?” Melinda asked again, fussing with the shirt she’d tied around her hips. “Do I look like I’ve made an effort? Too much effort?” “You look lovely, dear,” Moon said soothingly.Continue reading “Chapter 4.02 – Like Flies”

Chapter 3.52 – Botched Bloodline Pt. 1

Moon swirled her teapot in silence until she was satisfied that her tea was adequately steeped. She had been unable to sleep that night, for a few reasons. Not least because one of her cats hadn’t yet returned home after his evening bathroom trip. Restless, Moon had abandoned her attempts at sleep to go andContinue reading “Chapter 3.52 – Botched Bloodline Pt. 1”

Chapter 3.48 – Flickering Lights

While Jessica’s cohorts figured out how to safely dismount from their precarious people tower, Jessica had subtly checked the house. As well as ensuring that the coast was clear, she was looking for clues; any sign as to the reasoning behind Ralf’s fate, anything he’d left behind. Her search turned nothing up. Nothing at all.Continue reading “Chapter 3.48 – Flickering Lights”